The sun is a ball of blazing fire. Fire ignites passions and fuels our will, strength and even love. This is a time to focus on transformation and purpose. Summer is for running like the wind, and for being among those things still growing. Summer is for enjoying the water, giving thirsty plants a drink, and wearing fewer clothes. Summer is when the earth is the hottest.
Midsummer, when the sun and the honey-moon watch over us/guide us, is the time when everything is abundant and flourishing. The sun has warmed the earth and created life anew. Flowers smell their sweetest, colors are their most vibrant, trees are at their greenest, and berries are their juiciest. It is the time that nature’s lavishness has reached its pinnacle. The crops are ripening for the harvest to provide food for the long winter ahead. So too is this a time to create that which will sustain us when we move through periods of darkness and depression.
Solstice is the time when the sun is at its peak of power and the day is the longest. While it is natural and good to celebrate the sun’s blessings at this apex of summer, we also recognize that from this moment forward, the light and warmth will begin to wane in a never ending cycle which guarantees its eventual return. If we aren’t mindful about where we’re focusing the transformative power of the Sun’s fire, we may end up with an unwanted transformation or a misguided purpose. How do you let the fire influence or guide your passions, will and strength?